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Section 5.2 Orthogonal complements and the matrix transpose


Let \(\vvec=\twovec{-1}2\text{.}\)


Sketch the vector \(\vvec\) and one vector that is orthogonal to it.


If a vector \(\xvec\) is orthogonal to \(\vvec\text{,}\) what do we know about the dot product \(\vvec\cdot\xvec\text{?}\)


If we write \(\xvec=\twovec xy\text{,}\) use the dot product to write an equation for the vectors orthogonal to \(\vvec\) in terms of \(x\) and \(y\text{.}\)


Use this equation to sketch the set of all vectors orthogonal to \(\vvec\text{.}\)


Section 3.5 introduced the column space \(\col(A)\) and null space \(\nul(A)\) of a matrix \(A\text{.}\) Suppose that \(A\) is a matrix and \(\xvec\) is a vector satisfying \(A\xvec=\zerovec\text{.}\)


Does \(\xvec\) belong to \(\nul(A)\) or \(\col(A)\text{?}\)


Suppose that the equation \(A\xvec=\bvec\) is consistent. Does \(\bvec\) belong to \(\nul(A)\) or \(\col(A)\text{?}\)


Given a subspace \(W\) of \(\real^m\text{,}\) the orthogonal complement of \(W\) is the set of vectors in \(\real^m\) each of which is orthogonal to every vector in \(W\text{.}\) We denote the orthogonal complement by \(W^\perp\text{.}\)
The next two activities help us find a description of the orthogonal complement \(W^\perp\text{.}\)


Suppose that \(\wvec_1=\threevec10{-2}\) and \(\wvec_2=\threevec11{-1}\) form a basis for \(W\text{,}\) a two-dimensional subspace of \(\real^3\text{.}\)


Suppose that the vector \(\xvec\) is orthogonal to \(\wvec_1\text{.}\) If we write \(\xvec=\threevec{x_1}{x_2}{x_3}\text{,}\) use the fact that \(\wvec_1\cdot\xvec = 0\) to write a linear equation for \(x_1\text{,}\) \(x_2\text{,}\) and \(x_3\text{.}\)


Suppose that \(\xvec\) is also orthogonal to \(\wvec_2\text{.}\) In the same way, write a linear equation for \(x_1\text{,}\) \(x_2\text{,}\) and \(x_3\) that arises from the fact that \(\wvec_2\cdot\xvec = 0\text{.}\)


If \(\xvec\) is orthogonal to both \(\wvec_1\) and \(\wvec_2\text{,}\) these two equations give us a linear system \(B\xvec=\zerovec\) for some matrix \(B\text{.}\) Identify the matrix \(B\) and write a parametric description of the solution space to the equation \(B\xvec = \zerovec\text{.}\)


Suppose that \(\wvec_1=\threevec10{-2}\) and \(\wvec_2=\threevec11{-1}\) form a basis for \(W\text{,}\) a two-dimensional subspace of \(\real^3\text{.}\)


Since \(\wvec_1\) and \(\wvec_2\) form a basis for the two-dimensional subspace \(W\text{,}\) any vector in \(\wvec\) in \(W\) can be written as a linear combination
\begin{equation*} \wvec = c_1\wvec_1 + c_2\wvec_2\text{.} \end{equation*}
If \(\xvec\) is orthogonal to both \(\wvec_1\) and \(\wvec_2\text{,}\) use the distributive property of dot products to explain why \(\xvec\) is orthogonal to \(\wvec\text{.}\)


Give a basis for the orthogonal complement \(W^\perp\) and state the dimension \(\dim W^\perp\text{.}\)


Describe \((W^\perp)^\perp\text{,}\) the orthogonal complement of \(W^\perp\text{.}\)


The transpose of the \(m\times n\) matrix \(A\) is the \(n\times m\) matrix \(A^T\) whose rows are the columns of \(A\text{.}\)


If \(B = \begin{bmatrix} 3 \amp 4 \\ -1 \amp 2 \\ 0 \amp -2 \\ \end{bmatrix} \text{,}\) write the matrix \(B^T\text{.}\)
The next activity illustrates how multiplying a vector by \(A^T\) is related to computing dot products with the columns of \(A\text{.}\) You'll develop a better understanding of this relationship if you compute the dot products and matrix products in this activity without using technology.


Suppose that
\begin{equation*} \vvec_1=\threevec20{-2},\hspace{24pt} \vvec_2=\threevec112,\hspace{24pt} \wvec=\threevec{-2}23\text{.} \end{equation*}


Find the dot products \(\vvec_1\cdot\wvec\) and \(\vvec_2\cdot\wvec\text{.}\)


Now write the matrix \(A = \begin{bmatrix} \vvec_1 \amp \vvec_2 \end{bmatrix}\) and its transpose \(A^T\text{.}\) Find the product \(A^T\wvec\) and describe how this product computes both dot products \(\vvec_1\cdot\wvec\) and \(\vvec_2\cdot\wvec\text{.}\)


Suppose that \(\xvec\) is a vector that is orthogonal to both \(\vvec_1\) and \(\vvec_2\text{.}\) What does this say about the dot products \(\vvec_1\cdot\xvec\) and \(\vvec_2\cdot\xvec\text{?}\) What does this say about the product \(A^T\xvec\text{?}\)


Use the matrix \(A^T\) to give a parametric description of all the vectors \(\xvec\) that are orthogonal to \(\vvec_1\) and \(\vvec_2\text{.}\)


Remember that \(\nul(A^T)\text{,}\) the null space of \(A^T\text{,}\) is the solution set of the equation \(A^T\xvec=\zerovec\text{.}\) If \(\xvec\) is a vector in \(\nul(A^T)\text{,}\) explain why \(\xvec\) must be orthogonal to both \(\vvec_1\) and \(\vvec_2\text{.}\)


Remember that \(\col(A)\text{,}\) the column space of \(A\text{,}\) is the set of linear combinations of the columns of \(A\text{.}\) Therefore, any vector in \(\col(A)\) can be written as \(c_1\vvec_1+c_2\vvec_2\text{.}\) If \(\xvec\) is a vector in \(\nul(A^T)\text{,}\) explain why \(\xvec\) is orthogonal to every vector in \(\col(A)\text{.}\)


In Sage, the transpose of a matrix A is given by A.T. Define the matrices
\begin{equation*} A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \amp 0 \amp -3 \\ 2 \amp -2 \amp 1 \\ \end{bmatrix}, \hspace{6pt} B = \begin{bmatrix} 3 \amp -4 \amp 1 \\ 0 \amp 1 \amp 2 \\ \end{bmatrix}, \hspace{6pt} C= \begin{bmatrix} 1 \amp 0 \amp -3 \\ 2 \amp -2 \amp 1 \\ 3 \amp 2 \amp 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}\text{.} \end{equation*}


Evaluate \((A+B)^T\) and \(A^T+B^T\text{.}\) What do you notice about the relationship between these two matrices?


What happens if you transpose a matrix twice; that is, what is \((A^T)^T\text{?}\)


Find \(\det(C)\) and \(\det(C^T)\text{.}\) What do you notice about the relationship between these determinants?


Find the product \(AC\) and its transpose \((AC)^T\text{.}\)


Is it possible to compute the product \(A^TC^T\text{?}\) Explain why or why not.


Find the product \(C^TA^T\) and compare it to \((AC)^T\text{.}\) What do you notice about the relationship between these two matrices?


What is the transpose of the identity matrix \(I\text{?}\)


If a square matrix \(D\) is invertible, explain why you can guarantee that \(D^T\) is invertible and why \((D^T)^{-1} = (D^{-1})^T\text{.}\)


Suppose that \(W\) is a \(5\)-dimensional subspace of \(\real^9\) and that \(A\) is a matrix whose columns form a basis for \(W\text{;}\) that is, \(\col(A) = W\text{.}\)


What are the dimensions of \(A\text{?}\)


What is the rank of \(A\text{?}\)


What are the dimensions of \(A^T\text{?}\)


What is the rank of \(A^T\text{?}\)


What is \(\dim\nul(A^T)\text{?}\)


What is \(\dim W^\perp\text{?}\)


How are the dimensions of \(W\) and \(W^\perp\) related?


Suppose that \(W\) is a subspace of \(\real^4\) having basis
\begin{equation*} \wvec_1 = \fourvec102{-1},\hspace{24pt} \wvec_2 = \fourvec{-1}2{-6}3. \end{equation*}


Find the dimensions \(\dim W\) and \(\dim W^\perp\text{.}\)


Find a basis for \(W^\perp\text{.}\) It may be helpful to know that the Sage command A.right_kernel() produces a basis for \(\nul(A)\text{.}\)


Verify that each of the basis vectors you found for \(W^\perp\) are orthogonal to the basis vectors for \(W\text{.}\)